Third Addendum to the Supervisory Order of March 8, 2000 On the Appointment of the Director of the District Revenue Agency

In accordance with paragraphs 10 and 37 of the Brcko Final Arbitral Award of March 5, 1999, and paragraph 3 of the Annex to Final Award of August 18, 1999;

Recalling the Supervisory Order of March 8, 2000, and Addendum to the Supervisory Order of May 26, 2000, appointing members of the Interim Government of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina;

Having in mind that the Addendum to the Supervisory Order on the Appointment of Members of the Interim Government of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina of May 26, 2000, provided for the appointment of Mr. Osman Osmanovic as Head of the District Revenue Agency until elections are held for the Assembly of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina;

Having in mind furtherthat by the Second Addendum to the Supervisory Order of February 22, 2005, Mr. Osman Osmanovic was re-appointed to the position of theDirector of the District Revenue Agency to serve until May 26, 2005, and may be re-appointed;

In light of the recommendations of a professional consultancy firm that the District Revenue Agency, the Department of Budget and Finance and the Tax Administration Office should be restructured and reorganized, subject to an expert analysis and recommendation, and that such expert analysis has yet to commence;

Concerned that a vacancy on this position could be disruptive to the continuity of operations and jeopardize the conduct of the expert analysis as well as the implementation of its recommendations;

With the aim tosupportongoing reform of public administration within Brcko District, ensure continuity in the work of the District Revenue Agency and a clear legal basis for the current Director’s term;

I hereby order that:

Mr. Osman Osmanovic be re-appointed to the position of the Director of the District Revenue Agency and shall carry out his duties in accordance with the Statute and the laws of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina until such time as the District Government has rendered a professional, independent expert analysis and recommendations for the future structure of the District Revenue Agency and implemented such recommendations, or until December 31, 2005, whichever is sooner.

This Supervisory Order has immediate effect and shall be published without delay in the Official Gazette of the Brcko District.  The Government and Assembly of the Brcko District shall undertake all necessary measures to ensure its implementation.



Susan R. Johnson

Supervisor of Brcko

Deputy High Representative

Posted in Supervisory orders


The International Community believes that the Brcko authorities have the institutional capacity to serve the people of the District and to address the challenges which residents face.

