Supervisory Order Imposing The Law On Primary And Secondary Education Of The Brcko District Of Bosnia And Herzegovina

In accordance with articles 11, 37 and 39 of the Brcko Final Award of March 5, 1999, and paragraph 5 of the Annex of the Final Award of August 18, 1999, providing for the authority of the Supervisor to harmonize entity legislation in the area of the District;

In furtherance of paragraph 11 of the Annex of the Final Award of August 18, 1999, instructing the Supervisor to integrate the Districtąs educational system;

Bearing in mind the consultations with the entities on the integration of the educational system in the Brcko District including those held in Sarajevo on June 5, 2001 and in Banja Luka on May 15, 2001;

Recognizing the importance of the establishment of an integrated multiethnic education system for the future and in the interests of the people of the Brcko District;

Pursuant to the failure of the Brcko District Assembly to adopt the Law on Primary and Secondary Education of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the session of June 27, 2001,

I hererict of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the session of June 27, 2001,

I hereby order that

1. The Law on Primary and Secondary Education of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina which is hereinafter set out shall enter into force on the date of the issuance of this Order. The Law may be amended in the future by the Assembly of the Brcko District in accordance with the procedure provided in the Statute of the Brcko District and the Rules of Procedure of the District Assembly.

2. The Government of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall ensure that all regulations of the Brcko District are and remain fully harmonized with the Law on Primary and Secondary Education of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

3. Entity education curricula shall cease to apply to schools financed by the Brcko District Budget. The harmonized curriculum developed by the Primary Education Quality Board and Education Collegium for Secondary Education shall apply in the Brcko District, and may be modified according to Article 112 of the Law.

4. The Decision shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Henry L. Clarke
Deputy High Representative
Supervisor of Brcko District

Posted in Supervisory orders


The International Community believes that the Brcko authorities have the institutional capacity to serve the people of the District and to address the challenges which residents face.

