Supervisory Order On the Appointment of Mr. Kasim Delalic to the Position of Head of Department for Public Works in the Interim Government of the Brcko District of BiH

In accordance with paragraph 37 of the Final Arbitral Award of March 5, 1999, and paragraph 3 of the Annex dated August 18, 1999;

Recalling the Supervisory Order of March 8, 2000, appointing Mr. Hamed Jerkovic as Head of Department for Public Works in the Interim Government of the Brcko District;

As a result of Mr. Jerkovic’s resignation from the aforementioned post on March 6, 2003;

Following the public competition for the position of Head of Department of Public Works and the recommendation of the Government panel headed by the Mayor of the Brcko District;

I hereby Order that:

Mr. Kasim Delalic is appointed Head of Department for Public Works to serve until elections are held for the Assembly of the Brcko District.  Mr. Kasim Delalic is mandated to carry out his duties in accordance with the Statute of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This Order shall have immediate effect and shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Brcko District.


Henry L. Clarke

Deputy High Representative

Supervisor of Brcko 

Posted in Supervisory orders


The International Community believes that the Brcko authorities have the institutional capacity to serve the people of the District and to address the challenges which residents face.

